1. Why LOVE 146? Where did the number 146 come from? 

Read the whole story as told by our parent organization CEO & Co-founder Rob Morris here. The number 146 represents a little girl being sold for sex in the brothel on an undercover trip the co-founders of love146 took to Southeast Asia. 146 was a number of one of the girls who stood out to them as still having “fight left in her eyes”. The co-founders also explain that the word “love” is key in the foundation name because it is motivation to end child trafficking. 

2. What kind of events does the UofT chapter hold? 

Thus far, the U of T chapter has held a Semi-Formal in conjunction with another U of T student organization as well as two very successful bake sales. In the future our chapter is interested in hosting movie nights, learning discussions, raffles and other social events. These events are the primary source of our fundraising strategies as well as the best way to get involved in the school community. 

3. Is human trafficking a problem in Toronto? Why is this cause so important? 

Human trafficking, although it may not seem as an immediate threat in Toronto, it is indeed present and poses a problem. A simple search for human trafficking cases in the GTA shows that there are in face many cases of human trafficking. Toronto is also known as the human trafficking hub of Canada. 
This cause is important because it affects people internationally and is not simply a problem of underprivileged countries

4. What kind of an impact has our parent organization made internationally? 

Love146 has made several international impacts. With survivor care being a priority, the organization has opened care facilities for victims of trafficking in the Philippines as well as care facilities for survivors in the US and the UK. Besides this another goal of the organization has been to help children learn about child trafficking and inform them of the danger surrounded by this horrific act. 

5. How can we get involved? What kinds of positions are available? 

You can get involved by simply contacting us through our Facebook page or through our website. From there we can add you to our e-mail list. We have many volunteer opportunities as well as chances to get CCR credit.

6. I'm interested in a certain position, can we get in personal contact with the executive members to learn more about their role? 

You sure can! You can go to our executive pages and note down their names. You can contact them through our contact us page, make sure you write ATTN: (insert exec name here).

7. I'm interested in knowing more of your events happening throughout the year! Is there some sort of newsletter or e-mail update service that I can put my contact information on?

Yes there is a monthly newsletter and updates of our events! You can find us through our social media linked below or simply emailing us!

8. I just witnessed something that I feel might be a concern with human trafficking around Toronto, can I report it to you guys or do you know who I should report it to?

There are a few resources to where you can report it to! Below are some ways to report such cases:

Human Trafficking Enforcement Team

To report a case of Sexual Human Trafficking in Toronto call 416-808-2222

Provincial Hotline

For information and support, call Ontario’s confidential Human Trafficking Helpline:
1-833-999-9211, TTY 1-888-340-1001

Canada's tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children


If you know about a child who is in immediate danger or risk, call 911 or your local police.

Please refer to the contacts above when reporting cases of human trafficking.

Thank you so much for your interest, 
Hope to see you soon at our events and at our general meetings!